Hell yes!
The wtbs had it all wrong anyway-just to make us feel even more freakish than we already were!
The festival was just a festival of life and death, by the Celts, who were trying to make sense of the world they lived in, well before the idea of 'one God' entered the thoughts of men.
It was then appropriated by the Romans and turned into a festival (Is'nt it strange now to think how that word scared us?!)??!!) and a festival is only a celebration ;of the harvest, which is quite nice if you think about it !
It was only hundreds of years later that it became known as All Saints' Day; when the poor would trawl the streets for 'Soul Cakes'; probably as they were a bit peckish ; just a fruit pastry in return for prayers; sounds more like a scam to me...
My children will be going out with a group of 7, for the first time EVER tomorrow, they've spent all week making their costumes- and i've spend all day making toffee apples and sweets .
whatever it 'used' to be to us , it's now FUN ,and if they want to do it( even my 15 year old is going ) they can .
They only call on family friends or eachother's houses.They had years of me denying them fun with the lame excuse that it's pagan and therefore banned ; we're all looking forward to it-
I've carved a pumpkin and put it outside so that the neighbours' kids can see they'll get a result this year !
Edited to say we're also having a Bonfire party this year and have been invited to two more in the same week- I'm just so happy , and amazed , to be able to make so many new friends who are so kind to me ;I don't bother to pick these celebrations apart anymore- I just get on with having fun with the people I love.
Edited by - termite 35 on 30 October 2002 19:30:35